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Some facts about Night Queen Absolute oil

floral absolute oil

· floral absolute oils

As essential oils are extracted naturally, similarly plants also contain some aromatic oils that are extracted from the flowers. These oils are present in the concentrated form. These are known as floral absolute oils. These types of oils are in demand much more than compared to other types of oils. They are used in various types of fragrances and scents. So, to import and export these oils across the world, we need floral absolute oil manufacturers and suppliers.

Pure floral absolutes are the aromatic oils that are from the organic flower petals and its parts. They are widely known for the dense aroma that they have. This aroma is of plant or we can say flower from which they are extracted. Apart from this, floral absolutes have therapeutic benefits and also they are used in aromatherapy massage and many other treatments. To capture its essence, some chemicals are also added as solvents.

There is a wide variety of floral absolutes available, but here we will talk about Night Queen Absolute oil.

Extraction process

The night queen absolute oil is extracted from the flower of night queen by using some solvents so that the usable quantity of oil is extracted from the flower petals. This flower is commonly known as Night Queen but its Botanical name is “Cestrum Noctumum shrub”. The flowery part is used for the extraction process. The solvent extraction process is used to extract the oil from the flower. As night queen is a delicate flower, so the steam distillation process will not work because the natural essence of the flower will be destroyed. So, some solvents are used to extract the oil from the flower petals.


  • Night queen floral absolutes are comprised with many nutrients and natural compositions that blend with its aroma and make it perfect for the aromatherapy.
  • It is a yellow-brown liquid that is extensively known for its sweet floral smell and healing property.
  • It has properties like analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic, anti-stress, anti-depressant, decongestant, expectorant, emollient properties which make it a widely used oil.
  • The oil is also good for nourishing body skin with its rejuvenating and moisturizing properties.
  • This oil also has excellent therapeutic property due to which it improvises the blood circulation.


  • Due to its sweet floral smell and spicy note, this absolute is used in many cosmetics product.
  • Because of its fruity smell, this oil is also used in making scents and fragrances.
  • This oil is also used in making massage oils and massage creams.
  • It is also ideal to use as a bathing solvent as it nourish the skin.
  • The oil is also exceptionally good for treating various health problems like dysentery, insomnia and rheumatism.
  • The oil is a stimulant for the female reproductive system
  • It is also ideal for treating various health issues like headache, liver problems and insomnia.

If you are looking for the Night queen absolutes, then you can contact any of the oil manufacturer or supplier. There are various kinds of floral absolute oils in India that are imported across the world.

If you want to purchase any of the above-mentioned oil, then you can see the website It is one of the most trusted websites that has a wide range of oils and other needed products.